The word for today is "SIMPLE". I checked the group board last night before bed, and when I saw it, I thought wow! how am I going to handle that. There seems to be very little in this life that is truly simple these days. But this morning, when I went to my office (those of you that know me know that it is not really an office at all but a corner of my kitchen -- LOL!) I found this note from my 6-year-old daughter. Right away I thought is that cool or what? How simple.
& Voila! Another lightbulb moment.
So not only is the note simple, and the composition of the photograph simple, but when I thought about it I realized that one of the simplest things in life (and one that is often overlooked) is a pen and paper. We are so reliant on technology with computers, email, electronic organizers, cell phones and such. I know I'm defiantely guilty of not putting pen to paper often enough. I can't remember the last time I actually sat down to write a letter!
What do you think of when you hear the word 'simple'? Post of photo on your blog, or in a gallery and send me a link back so I can check it out.